Perkins Phaser 4 and 6 cylinder Bosch Fuel Injection Pump Service Setting Code

The service setting code is now stamped on the side of the fuel injection pump (A1) together with the other pump data.
Modification of the fuel pump by Perkins will affect the setting code. Where this occurs, the original code is removed from the side of the pump and a plate (A2) with the latest code, is fitted to the pump flange. Where a plate is fitted to the pump flange, always use the setting code stamped on the plate.


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An example of the service setting code would be 2643J602BK/1/2960, where:
2643J602 – Pump part number
BK – Code letters
1 – Spring information (standard for all Bosch pumps)
2960 – Maximum no load speed (rev/min)


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